Covered Bridge at Bridgeton. It started pouring right after this picture...we were running like crazy for cover.
We were so happy to see Cara the last 3 weekends! Wish we could do it again next weekend! Hey you never know...we travel well.
The Cathedral at St. Mary of the Woods College.
We surprised Cara by showing up at her softball games in Terre Haute (pronounced Tara Ho), Indiana at St. Mary of the Woods College. Cara played hard - but came out on the losing end of both games. It was a beautiful day to watch a game - the dogs enjoyed laying in the grass under the warm sun. The college is the oldest Women's Catholic College in the US. The buildings on the campus were very interesting and had a lot of history. We were able to spend the rest of the day with Cara and did some sight seeing and eating in Terre Haute.
We had to say good bye to Cara as we were headed home to the Ville and her softball team continued on to Arkansas for another day of games. We decided to take some time in Parke County (Indiana) the "Covered Bridge Capital of the World." It rained the entire day - sometimes just a light drizzle and other times a complete downpour. During a walk we all got caught in a downpour and we had to race to the safety of the covered bridge. For those of you who have never seen a covered bridge - they are a very beautiful, yet functional piece of architecture. See info below from wikipedia:
"Early bridges were often made of wood, especially where it was a plentiful resource. Wooden bridges tended to deteriorate rapidly from exposure to the elements, having a useful lifespan of only nine years. Covering them protected their structural members, thus extending their life to 80 years or more. Covered bridges were also constructed to be used by travelers during storms and inclement weather (see story above)."
We were able to see 7 of the 31 bridges in that county. It was an enjoyable Sunday drive and a memorable weekend!