Adventures of the Burnetts

Adventures of the Burnetts
Table Rock State Park - 2013

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Brew at the Zoo and Visiting Cara too...

A few weeks ago we met Cori's family in Columbia, Mo since it was time for Cara to start volleyball and her Junior year of college. It was a short trip, but it is always fun to see everyone and spend time together.

Hanging out at Stephen's Park in Columbia, MO.

After we returned from Columbia, David drove across Ohio and Pennsylvania on his way to State College, Penn. the home of Penn State University. He was there for a week, and attended a conference and presented a poster of his research there. He enjoyed the experience in "Happy Valley" especially getting to see the campus and the HUGE Penn State football stadium.

We enjoyed some time with friends at "Brew at the Zoo" in Louisville. Over 25 breweries were there plus food and wine as well. There were breweries from as far away as Canada and Oregon. You paid up front and were given a mug to sample all the goodies you wanted that night. We also got to meet & pet some of the furry zoo friends too.

Caroline & Vince (some of Cori's co-workers)

Meeting a wallaby.

David's friend, Amos the Camel.

We are headed to London, England and Edinburgh, Scotland this week. We are very excited! We are going to try to keep a blog-diary of our trip. Keep an eye out for photos and stories!!

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